Guyson Corporation has designed a compact blasting cabinet that can be comfortably and productively used by a seated operator. The Model SBP-40 blast system can be equipped for use with a wide variety of media for work such as deburring, deflashing, descaling, cosmetic finishing or technical surface preparation.

Guyson SBP-40 enables seated operation
The SBP-40 blast chamber is 19 inches high at the back wall, 32 inches wide and 24 inches deep (48 cm x 81 cm x 61 cm), and the cabinet has an extra large abrasion-protected safety glass viewing window. The interior of the blasting enclosure is brilliantly illuminated by an adjustable flood light that ensures good visibility. A full-depth door on each side of the cabinet makes loading and unloading of components quick and convenient.
A single suction-blast gun and a blow-off air jet are mounted on a multi-adjustable, telescoping bracket attached to the back wall of the cabinet, which leaves both of the operator’s gloved hands free for manipulation of components. Side-by-side foot switches activate the blast gun or the blow-off nozzle to enable efficient hands-free manual processing of small components with minimum waste of motion. Alternatively, the blast gun and the air blow-off nozzle can be hand held.
Guyson offers the SBP-40 buyer a choice of two standard sizes of suction-blast guns. The smaller Model 400 gun is recommended for precise and concentrated blasting of components that may have fine details. The Model 900 gun is larger and more powerful, enabling faster coverage. The cabinet can also be built with one of each size blast gun for maximum versatility.
Typical installations of the SBP-40 include a cyclone reclaimer to effectively separate reusable media from dust and fines. The system is completed by a cartridge-type dust collector that features reverse air jet pulsing to back-flush the pleated paper filter and maintain its efficiency. The cyclone and dust collector are also designed and manufactured by Guyson to optimize the performance of the cabinet blasting system.
When the SBP-40 is to be used for manual blasting of batches of small components, Guyson offers the option of hopper doors. This unique feature prevents wasted motion by allowing parts to be loaded into a door-mounted hopper on one side of the cabinet and removed from a tilt-down hopper on the other side without interruption of the operator.
For blasting applications where aggressive media will be used, a suite of abrasion protection features is available optionally. Bonded rubber lining of the blast cabinet and cyclone, cast urethane ducting between the cabinet and cyclone, urethane rubber media delivery hose and tungsten carbide or boron carbide blast gun nozzles resist the abrasive effects of harsh grit media to extend the service life of the equipment.
Prospective users of Guyson cabinet-blast systems are invited to submit sample components for laboratory testing and application engineering evaluation at the Guyson factory in northeastern New York State.