The key to a successful coating process, at an industrial scale, is comprehensive metal preparation.
The tool coating industry is a field that deals with applying thin films of various materials to the surface of cutting tools, such as end mills, drills and routers, to improve their strength, wear resistance and performance while machining.
Tool coating technology emerged in 1980’s and currently, there are many processes available for preparing metals before coating — at Guyson, we focus on the quality and consistency of coating preparation. This includes metal preparation from cleaning, blasting to the roughness value – to applying various approaches and techniques for different coatings.
Guyson Corporation has been working with tooling companies for the last several decades, and we have abrasive blast machines specifically created for the preparation of tool coatings.
Guyson Corporation has been working with tooling companies for the last several decades, and we have abrasive blast machines specifically created for the preparation of tool coatings. With the increasing standards of superior high-end performance, manufacturers know it is important to give extra attention to the details in their metal preparation processes. Guyson knows how precise metal preparation can lead to an impressive end product for the tooling industry. The preparation process not only affects the life of your product, but the reputation of your brand.
Our in-house testing lab can determine the proper roughness for your coatings, what considerations need to be made when selecting a method for metal preparation, and why these steps are important for increasing durability. (click here to learn about The Guyson Blast Specimen Gauge)
Whether you’re looking to make a tool scratch resistant, corrosion resistant, or heat-resistant, having properly prepared metal plays an integral role in ensuring that any added coatings do their job and last longer – Guyson Corporation is the Machine builder for you.
Our Rotary indexing multi chamber blast systems are highly productive machines that can clean, prep for coat and blow off all within the same machine. There are high production options such as multiple head spindles allowing you to double, triple or even quadruple the amount of work done per rotation.
• Overall or selective impact treatment & airwash around 360o of components by up to 12 pre-positioned nozzles
• Space-saving 55″ x 62″ footprint. Six or twelve sealed, shielded spindles on 42″ diameter indexing table
• PLC control and precision indexer can interface with pick-and-place devices
• Vert./Hor. linear traverse or oscillation of nozzles conserves compressed air
• Advanced abrasion protection, many sensor, fault indicator, self-maintenance and special-purpose options
The Guyson Vaqua wet blast systems brand, is a leader in the prep for coating in the tooling industry. Click here to see the latest in our wet blast series of machines.

Guyson Auto-Komet Wet Blast System